Thursday, August 23, 2012

Catwoman Dumb, Catwoman Awesome!

So, a few weeks ago a friend of mine who volunteers at a thrift store benefitting his church gave me a box of comic books that someone had brought in.  It was all from the early 90's.  There was some good stuff.  Batman & Grendel, some other Batman, etc.  Included in the pile was this:

So, I get it.  This sort of thing has been used to sell every product known to man since the beginning of time.  But it doesn't change the fact that it's dumb and boring and just shows an amazing lack of creativity.  "Let's see, what shall we put on the cover??....ummm...errr...oh!  I know!!" she is essentially not clothed, the fan boys get excited and plunk down their $1.95.  Makes some sense, if you are trying to make money at the expense of quality, I guess.  The interior art is actually pretty good.  I didn't read the book so I cannot account for the story.  The series did run for 94 issues though, so that means something, maybe.  But it's still dumb.

Fast forward 9 years to 2003.  Darwyn Cooke's Catwoman:

Bam!  Much, much better!!  Not over the top or in your face.  Subtle, but still beautiful to look at.  Way, WAY more creative.  And...with this launch, he essentially redefined Selina Kyle.

Bravo Mr. Cooke...outstanding work!

Until next time...

Blogging here on Sundry Collectibles and at Disney Postcards on, you guessed it, Disney Postcards!

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