Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Comics on Parade

Back in the 1930's, before Superman came on the scene in Action Comics #1, comic books consisted of reprints of strips that had previously appeared in the news papers.  The first "modern" American comic book in the form that we know comics today (namely a color magazine on news print with printing on both sides of the page) appeared in 1933 (Famous Funnies). This was a successful formula, and it continued for quite some time.  But eventually, books like Action Comics and Detective Comics moved in and took over the market since they were publishing new material that had not been printed before.

Comics on Parade was one such reprint magazine which actually started in 1938 (the same year Action Comics #1 was published)...quite late for a reprint book.  It would continue publication all the way through 1955 reprinting strips like L'il Abner, Tarzan, Nancy, Fritzi Ritz, Ella Cinders and The Captain and the Kids...all news paper strips of the era.

I found this copy of issue #13 on eBay a couple weeks back.  New to me, but published in 1939!

Until next time...

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